ENEA, HUMAN HERO narrative performance in music conceived and performed by ANDREA SIRIANNI




After a break on August bank holiday, the traveling festival "La Notte della Taranta" resumes its journey at full speed on August 16 and arrives in Zollino. The traveling web, is at the halfway mark and stage after stage is approaching the concert in Melpignano on August 26, although the final journey will not be the big concert in front of the square in the former Convent of the Augustinians; the festival, in fact will end on August 27 with La Notte delle ronde in Galatina.

On Aug. 16, in the heart of Grecìa Salentina, in Zollino it starts at 9 p.m. at the Villa Comunale with Enea, Umano Eroe: a narrative show in music conceived and performed by Andrea Sirianni. The Myth of Aeneas intersects with the History of the Salento territory. The findings of Prof. D'Andria and the University of Salento regarding the sanctuary of Athena and the statuette of the Goddess with the Phrygian helmet (typical headgear of Trojan culture) have finally given evidence of Aeneas' landing on the Italian coast, just as Virgil had given literary testimony by accurately describing in the Aeneid the promontories and the port of ancient Castrum Minervae, the present town of Castro in the province of Lecce. Onstage, like an invisible actress, music participates parallel to the narrative, restoring to the viewer the sounds of battle and the moods of the protagonists. Immediately following on stage will be Leonardo Cordella in Salento Pizzica: from grandfather to grandson, it's pizzica Cordella, from the past to the present, the future. and Tarante, and then the conclusion will be entrusted to Ashèblasta. Ashèblasta in Grico dialect is the name of a "pizzo" (seasoned bread) typical of Zollino, the project bears the signature of Roberto Chiga on drums.


Enea, Umano Eroe - narrative performance in music

Enea, Umano Eroe is the reading concert conceived and performed by actor Andrea Sirianni. The deception of the horse built by the Greeks and the escape from the burning city of Troy are evoked by music and the first-person narrative of Aeneas, in a contemporary version of the Aeneid in which the whole human aspect of the valiant warrior emerges. Onstage, throughout the performance, like an invisible actress, the music participates parallel to the narration, restoring to the viewer the sounds of the battle and the moods of the protagonists; Not a simple aesthetic filler, but a recitative construction made of timbres, harmonies, melodies and above all implicit onomatopoeias where each musical instrument has the primary purpose of "imitating" the sounds of the space in which the action takes place and merging with the dramaturgy.  Original pieces by Sandro Di Stefano, Maurizio Cicchetti, Carlo Putignano and Enzo Di Stefano from the Duni Audiovisual Works of the Conservatory of Matera are performed by an ensemble composed of Emanuele Cacciatore's flute, Angela Cosi's harp, Marco Schiavone's cello and Alberto Stefanizzi's percussion. The performance - which is credited with covering the myth of Aeneas and enhancing the history of the Salento area - is included as part of the events recognized by the "Route of Aeneas" Association, promoter and manager of the itinerary of the same name certified by the Council of Europe in 2021.

Leonardo Cordella Salento Pizzica and Tarante

The mission is to keep alive the folk traditions of Salento music (pizzica pizzica) in order to make it known and transfer it to new generations as a cultural heritage to be passed down Cordella's music is one of tradition; you can hear it in every note the reminder of a vision that has been handed down for generations. His accordion emits a magical, energetic, unmistakable sound. From grandfather to grandson, it is pizzica Cordella, from the past to the present, the future. The line up consists of Leonardo Cordella lead vocals, accordion, accordion, Ippazio Rizzello guitar, Sergio Pizza tambourine, Gianluca Milanese winds, Valentina Cariulo violin and vocals, Antonio Dema drums, Francesca Grasso dancer.

Ashèblasta Apulian Un_Popoular Music

Archaic voices, scratchy bass, ancient drums and ritual rhythms, tales of land and sea. The Ashèblasta project bears the signatures of Roberto Chiga on drums, programming, Mario Esposito on bass and Peppo Grassi on mandolin and aims to move Salento music from the squares to the clubs, for everyone to dance to, not just in summer. It aims to tell the stories of today's youth through a new popular music with which they can identify and which entrusts the voices of the elderly with the haunting myth of the Salento spider. Ashèblasta in Grico dialect is the name of a "pizzo" (seasoned bread) typical of Zollino, without shape kneaded with simple ingredients that put in parallel with music becomes a meltin pot of styles, melodies, rhythms, instruments. A drum, a mandolin and a bass join samplers, synths, drum machines, to continue the ritual that makes people dance to heal. The music is all original and is based on the haunting rhythms of pizzica-pizzica and tarantelle that is sometimes contrasted with Cumbia, Gnawa rhythms, hiphop beats, electronic music and insistent loops.

The 2023 edition of La Notte della Taranta Festival, which began on August 1, will run through August 27, through as many as 25 villages and towns in Salento, the Torre Guaceto nature reserve and the iconic Sant'Andrea Bay, with more than 400 guests including musicians, dancers, actors, writers and philosophers. An edition that promises to be extraordinary and that confirms La Notte della Taranta as the largest Italian traveling festival that promotes popular music as a score of emotions born from the dialogue between the arts, interweaving and creating reflections and insights with dance, theater, literature, philosophy and will lead, stage after stage to the Concertone on August 26 in Melpignano (Le), to the long night with the concertmaster FIORELLA MANNOIA.

The Ragnatela della Taranta continues on Aug. 17 Galatina, Aug. 18 Castrignano de Greci, Aug. 19 Cutrofiano, Aug. 20 Aradeo for the first time included in the Festival, Aug. 21 Martignano, Aug. 22 Soleto, Aug. 23 Sternatia, Aug. 24 Martano, Aug. 26 CONCERTONE DI MEPIGNANO, Aug. 27 Galatina - Night of the Patrols. FREE ENTRANCE

The theme of this 26th edition is IDENTITY, inspired by Italo Calvino, the writer whose centenary since his birth falls this year: "Identity is a bundle of divergent lines that find in the individual the point of interest," Calvino wrote in "Civilizations of Machines." A theme-world to interpret current reality addressed in lectio magistralis by philosopher Umberto Galimberti guest in Martano on Aug. 24, by Tlon philosophers Maura Gancitano and Andrea Colamedici on Aug. 21 in Martignano, by criminal judge Maria Francesca Mariano on Aug. 19 in Cutrofiano, by journalist Marcello Veneziani on Aug. 23 in Sternatia, by theologian Vito Mancuso on Aug. 8 in Alessano, by writer Stefano Massini on Aug. 17 in Galatina, by journalist and writer Angelo Mellone on Aug. 13 in Galatone.

Festival 2023 is dedicated to Luigi Chiriatti, the recently deceased artistic director, who worked until the end of his days on the Taranta Itinerante program.

The Itinerant Festival is a cultural project of the Notte della Taranta Foundation funded by REGIONE PUGLIA and PUGLIAPROMOZIONE with the contribution of Unione dei Comuni della Grecìa Salentina and the Ministry of Culture and the collaboration of the Diego Carpitella Institute.

The Notte della Taranta Foundation would like to thank the Torre Guaceto Nature Reserve and the municipalities of Corigliano d'Otranto, Calimera, Sogliano Cavour, Nociglia, Racale, Cursi, Alessano, Ugento, Melendugno, Carpignano Salentino, Nardò, Galatone, Zollino, Galatina, Castrignano de' Greci, Cutrofiano, Aradeo, Martignano, Soleto, Sternatia, Martano, Melpignano and the city of Lecce.


Main Sponsor: DMJ - DE MARIANI Group


Official Carrier: SOUTH EAST Railways



Technical Partner: BUSFORFUN, APOS

Festival Notte della Taranta

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