The Unione dei Comuni della Grecìa Salentina confers for the first time to the maestro concertatore of the 2022 edition the title of Màstora master of the arts in griko


To Dardust maestro concertatore of the twenty-fifth edition of the Notte della Taranta, which will take place on August 27 in Melpignano, the Union of Municipalities of the Grecìa Salentina confers the title of "Màstora," a term that in Griko means "master" (of arts and knowledge).

Grecìa Salentina has been characterized in recent decades for focusing on culture, history, traditions, roots and griko identity as a driver of growth for the territory.
Among the many cultural initiatives that are organized in the Grecía Salentina, Notte della Taranta is certainly the cultural project that has been able to give wide resonance and visibility to the municipalities of the Hellenic Salentine area, succeeding in spreading and popularizing grika culture in Italy and abroad.

With this in mind, the maestro concertatore of each edition of the Notte della Taranta, together with the musicians he coordinates and directs, effectively assumes the important role of ambassador of the grika culture of the Grecìa Salentina in Italy and around the world.

"For this reason," declares Roberto Casaluci Mayor of Castrignano dei Greci and President of the Union of Municipalities of the Grecìa Salentina, "with the Mayors of the Union we thought of bestowing on the master concertmaster Dardust the symbolic recognition of the title of "Màstora," which is a Griko term used to indicate the important function performed by a 'master' in the arts or knowledge. With this gesture we want to highlight, once again, how knowledge, root culture and
above all, contamination with other experiences, must be the pillars on which to rest the social and economic regeneration of our small villages."
On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 in Melpignano, the headquarters of the Notte della Taranta Foundation, the maestro concertmaster Dardust, as a symbol of the title of "Màstora," received a typical ceramic plate made and donated especially for the occasion by the company "Nuova Colì" of Cutrofiano (Le).

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