Monday, 27 July 2015 11:41


The products of about thirty among the best food farming companies of Salento lands in New York, thanks to the initial project called “Taranta food” connected with the Foundation. During the last days “La Notte della Taranta” Foundation, Trade Chamber in Lecce and Eataly of Oscar Farinetti signed an agreement.
"We are proud to take part at “La Notte della Taranta” for the second year – explains Eataly CEO Francesco Farinetti – where our chef  Enrico Panero, from DaVinci restaurant of Eataly in Firenze, will interpret the greatest deliciousness of Grecìa salentina. Eataly, which has opened a store in Bari since one year, is constantly searching cultural mixture and "La Notte della Taranta" is the best stage to explore one region traditions, rich of excellences, through music, culture and food and they naturally meet as in a big orchestra. In October we will achieve the first of the greatest objectives established by the Memorandum of Understanding agreed with the Foundation and we will bring salentini products into the Eataly store in New York".
"An immediate economic return for the production companies which join the project – adds Alfredo Prete, Lecce Trade Chamber President in Lecce -  with over 5 millions of tourists per year and our taste temple is at the third place of the most visited places in NY according to the receipts number released with credit cards, after Empire State Building and Metropolitan, before Moma and Apple store 5th avenue. 800 guys working there, 80 millions dollars of sales volumes.
As the Concertone style in Melpignano, the Taranta food every year hosts an expert chef selected by  EATALY, which identifies worth products and dishes of salentine kitchen, rich of history in cooperation with local food experts from Salento.
Enrico Panero is the Concertatore chef of "Taranta food 2014". He is young but already expert and he comes from Piemonte, he has been working at Eataly restaurant in Florence and he will interpret the new dish of Taranta "MPIZZICATA" which will be presented to the foreign press on the 22nd of August at 9.00 p.m. at Alogne restaurant in Cursi and to the backstage guests during the mega Concert on the 23rd of August. This dish will be taste ambassador of Puglia during the week dedicated to Taranta in the Eataly’s restaurants.


August 22nd, h. 9.00 p.m. TARANTA FOOD, presentation of the dish created by the Concertatore chef Enrico Panero, to the foreign press at Alogne restaurant.  (special guests: Florence Major Dario Nardella, Hellen Mirren, foreign press)
August 23rd, h. 8.00 p.m.  TARANTA FOOD, presentation of the dish "MPIZZICATA" created by Enrico Panero and by Alessio Gubello, an expert salentino chef working for Art Hotel in Lecce.  "TAMBURRATA". Tasting of JANEDDA (small ‘puccia’) from "street food of Taranta" in cooperation with Gruppo Casillo and artisan beer B94 and Eataly in Bari.


Concertatore Chef
This dish comes from the reinterpretation of a classic dish of traditional salentina kitchen: stew sausages. It is usually served with potatoes, ‘lampascioni’ (wild onions) and tomatoes, it is now proposed in a summer and lighter version with opposite flavours without losing the deliciousness of the traditional dish. The dish has got a basis of yam of Otranto, which is naturally sweet, mixed with the salty sausages perfumed with lemon, half-cooked on a burning surface creating a balance between the two main ingredients aromas. The completed dish is seasoned with a soap of dry tomatoes and spicy peppers jam, some onions dust and capers. It is a passionate and highly recognizable dish, inspired by the enchanting rhythms and by the vivid spirit of pizzica. It is a dish with a determined taste but elegant in its balance at the same time, it has got unique tastes from the area like the tambourine rhythm.
Sausages of Vincenzo Potenza – Galatone
Lemons of Dario and Angelica Sindaco di Tenuta Manimuzzi – Collepasso
Yam of peasants from Otranto
Onion of Maria, peasant from Vaste
Cunserva Mara  of La Contadina Cooperative - Andrano
Sun dried tomatoes by Yvonne of Masseria Gianferrante - Torre Mozza
Capers of nonna Tetta – Castro
Fresh milk  – Masseria Capasa di Martano
Extra-virgin olive oil Alèa of Alessandro Coricciati – Martano



From griko: small ‘puccia’ (bread)

Supporting the first European book editing about culinary arts, Federico II chose without any hesitations the “Italian” kitchen of the Southern reign. In his receipts book, he defines Puglia kitchen as a "simula apula" with white food based on pasta and flour, a tradition continued until recent times.
Puglia kitchen still keeps traces of old Greek splendor, deeply characterized by Arabic influence, filtered through Normans and Svevi mediation.
Janedda (in griko small ‘puccia’) is a journey into the authentic taste of Puglia, the street food of "La Notte della Taranta" in cooperation with Eataly and Gruppo Casillo, with a selection of products coming from Slow food sites in Puglia.
Janedda, knead with hard wheat bran, is served hot in three versions:
VEGETARIAN with grilled zucchini, aubergines, salad, tomatoes of Torre Guaceto - a Slow Food site  (Az. Agr. Calemone), extra-virgin olive oil of Agricola del Sole, frosting of balsamic primitivo Vincotto (Az. Terra Apuliae - Fam. Vanneri)
TUNA with tuna, small tomatoes of Torre Guaceto - a Slow Food site (Az. Agr. Calemone), onion from Acquaviva - a Slow Food site, salad, extra-virgin olive oil of Agricola del Sole
CAPOCOLLO with Capocollo of Martina Franca – a Slow Food site (Salumificio Santoro), mozzarella, rucola, small tomatoes of Torre Guaceto - a Slow Food site, extra-virgin olive oil of Agricola del Sole