It will be an emotional journey the one designed by Paolo Buonvino, maestro concertatore of the 2020’s edition of Notte della Taranta, that holds together notes and voices from the popular tradition of Salento : painful, joyful and rich in life histories.

Maestro Buonvino’s work aims to touch the sensibility of the audience that will follow “La Notte della taranta” on TV (the event will be broadcast on 28th August on Rai 2 and will take place on 22nd August in Melpignano) and be moved while narrating the roots of the territory. These have always been important elements for him, from the moment he started to approach the notes of the tradition to compose the music of this event edition in Melpignano. “ I have come closer to the popular music of Salento very humbly, but with a lot of passion too, of course. I have caught every shade even from the smallest things, figuring out lives and experiences and I have tried to put in it a little part of me and my life experience as well”.

“I found out that in this tradition” tells Buonvino “there are intense and meaningful aspects. The authentic richness, being a music that comes from the people, are exactly their lives, their pains and struggles they tell through the music. Of course, due to the fact that it is a popular music it is expression of people and not of professional musicians. Simplicity and spontaneity are the key words to understand it completely, and it is incredible the fact that essential and simple gestures like the beating of a tambourine, arouses emotions beyond words.”

Maestro Buonvino has tried to represent the great pathos of a tambourine being played, in an event that will be of great effect. A sort of journey towards the essence, the origin of music that is able to heal, and the liberating ballet that becomes a cure for discomfort. It is a music able to tear down walls and this is the right strength of the popular tradition in Salento : eliminates the superfluous elements, softens the rigidities, breaks the separating barriers. In front of the music the only thing people can do is following the real and ancestral rhythm and enjoy moments of interaction, when the exchange becomes the treble clef of an emotional staff.

In this edition lead by Buonvino, composer of extraordinary soundtracks for cinema movies, it would have been impossible to miss a fusion between two different music expressions : the Orchestra Popolare de La Notte della Taranta and the Orchestra Roma Sinfonietta. Two different Orchestras working together to give life to a special event, almost magic. The scenic design as well will contribute to this emotional homage : a very short wood stage and almost cinematographic supports and projections.  On the background, the façade of the ex Convento degli Agostiniani, seat of Notte della Taranta foundation, is the evidence of the unique and unmissable path, the audience will be invited to travel together for just one night.