Fiorella Mannoia, maestra concertatrice of La Notte della Taranta 2023 received at the Palazzo dei Giureconsulti in Milan the "Donne, non Pupe", 2023 edition award for her commitment always shown in support of women's issues and against gender violence.


The award was presented to her at the press conference presenting the eighth edition of Passerella Mediterranea - Donne, non Pupe, as part of the events of Set Mediterraneo 2023. The almost ten-year event born in Grottaglie, the city of ceramics also in 2024 will involve for the second time the city of Milan bringing on showcase and on the catwalk the excellence of Puglia: haute couture for wedding dresses, typical ceramics, illuminations and fascinating places to tell about a land increasingly appreciated in Italy and abroad. The event is sponsored by the Region of Puglia. (Passerella Mediterranea note attached).

Fiorella Mannoia, who for months with the Orchestra Popolare de La Notte della Taranta has been researching and arranging the traditional Salento songs that will make up the final concert on August 26 in Melpignano; she has always been sensitive to the issue of violence against women. She has done so both by expressing her thoughts several times and through music, with a concert event in which seven female artists took the stage to demonstrate their commitment against gender-based violence.


FIORELLA MANNOIA, master concertmaster Notte Taranta 2023, DECLARES.

"My connection with Puglia is important, you can't count the decades that I have traveled the length and breadth of it. The connection with the Notte della Taranta was born in 2016 when I was a guest at the Concertone, in that context, on that stage, dancing and having fun I really understood what this music and dance represented. Now I have been invested with this role of concertmaster of which I am very proud, the research work is finished, I had the good fortune to meet Luigi Chiriatti, who passed away recently who introduced me to the historical memory of this tradition. The musical heritage of this land, in my opinion should be UNESCO HERITAGE. With the La Notte della Taranta Foundation we embarked on this journey that will end on August 26 in Melpignano, and with me will be Carlo Di Francesco, and for a percussionist to work with these rhythms is like entering Toyland.


ALDO PATRUNO director of the Department of Tourism, Cultural Economy, and Territorial Enhancement of the Apulia Region.

"The Puglia region has promoted a regional law to enhance the band culture that has always characterized the patronal festivals of our territory in which a central role is also that of the illuminations and cassarmonics that represent the Apulian tradition and animate our community festivals. Out of poverty, out of the need of those who could not afford to attend an opera at the theater, was born this tradition that today identifies the land of Apulia and has an extraordinary attractiveness. In this direction and with this spirit was born the collaboration with the Grottaglie craftsmanship, excellence in the manual work of ceramics on the one hand and lace and embroidery on the other, which has led the Puglia region to invest in the enhancement of craftsmanship, even in Milan, valuing women and men working in the sector, but at the same time juxtaposing this initiative with major issues on which attention must always be maximized. The idea of the theme gender violence, was born precisely from an episode: a beautiful life-size Grottaglie ceramic puppet that had broken and that thanks to the skill and care of the master potters was recovered, then donated to the Puglia Region where today it stands in front of the culture department. Here is this symbol of the strength of women who through healing can be reborn even after difficult times."


GRAZIA DI BARI Councilor delegated for cultural policies Puglia Region.

We are happy with the presentation of this award to Fiorella Mannoia, the master concertress of this edition of La Notte della Taranta. Also this year the concert that will take place on August 26 in Melpignano will pay tribute to women, because Taranta is woman. The first edition of Set Mediterraneo that took place in Milan last January was a success that allowed visitors to admire the marvels of our craftsmanship, the Grottaglie ceramic babes at natural height the wedding dresses, the illuminations, our food and wine products. An event whose central theme was the fight against violence against women, of which the Grottaglie pupae have become a symbol. Today this award ceremony is important to still put women at the center and to be able to bring about that change in mentality that is only possible through culture. That is why I want to thank the protagonists of this award ceremony and once again invite everyone to the concert in Melpignano on August 26 and to the events planned by the program of the foundation of the Notte della Taranta, which gets richer and richer every year.


CARMELA COMES designer of Carmela Comes Bride.

I am very excited because today this conference marks the beginning of the eighth edition of Passerella Mediterranee and the second edition of Milano Set Mediterraneo. These events not only highlight the craft traditions of Puglia but also accompany a significant commitment against violence against women, through the Women, not Chicks project. And it was here that we presented an award to artist Fiorella Mannoia for her sensitivity and commitment to the world of women.