

Prepared the traffic plan for the final Concertone "La Notte della Taranta," now in its 25th edition.

The buses that will reach the Greek town, will necessarily have to access Melpignano in a southerly direction. A special luminous signboard has been installed on the highway 16 Lecce-Maglie indicating the route the buses will have to follow to access the reserved area. Since the only access allowed is southbound, buses arriving from Lecce near the Cursi interchange will have to turn around. Disabled parking has been identified on Via Salento near the Concertone stage. The camper area has been placed near the sports field. It is accessed through the industrial area. A ban on vehicular traffic is planned for the entire day of Aug. 27 from early morning until the end of the event.

Those arriving from the SS16 will have to use the parking lots set up in the industrial zone to reach the show area only through Salento Street and Annunziata Street.


The 118 health plan has been prepared to deal with possible rescue emergencies within the La Notte della Taranta event.  About 200 volunteers will be employed between 118 and the Italian Red Cross.

In the area of the "Health Camp" of about 400 square meters with a total of 26 beds two of which are monitored for the most serious cases (red codes), there will be 4 pneumatic tents of the Italian Red Cross (green hospitalizations)- 1 station for small surgery, 1 triage area tent- 1 pneumatic tent for red codes- 1 ambulance of the 118 that will be stationed on the road section at the Health Camp), 1 ALS 118 ambulance that will be stationed on the road section, at the Health Camp), 2 CRI ambulances that will be stationed on the road section, at the Health Camp) and various logistics vehicles (trolleys, 118 disaster module, 118 pickup truck, etc.  which will be located in the dirt site identified at the side opposite the Sanitarian Camp). There will also be a refreshment tent (outside the Sanitarian perimeter, street level) and visitors' boxes.

There will be 7 peripheral ambulance stations that will be stationed: - SOUTH-EAST Station - parking lot/industrial area (near the access traffic circle from the SS. 16) - west side of the Stage - guest area - east side of the Stage - AGIP/ENI SS. 16 Station (arrival/departure South-East Bus) - Central area corridor of the Audience area (free area separation corridor). Personnel employed to ensure emergency rescue will also be ready in the management of maxi emergencies in coordination with the 118 Operations Center.


Excellence from Salento to enhance the look that the Popular Orchestra La Notte della Taranta will bring to the stage at the August 27 Concertone in Melpignano. Historic and renowned companies that have always operated in the area and invested in this land and its resources will contribute to the realization of the event.

The female voices of the Popular Orchestra La Notte della Taranta will wear outfits created ad hoc by costume designer Rosanna Calcagnile, founder of the first Salento design academy in Lecce in 1984. The Calcagnile Academy has trained thousands of designers who work today in major brands. Firmly believing that the academy is the place where ideas are dressed and young people realize their dreams, costume designer Rosanna Calcagnile is working together with her staff Santa Scioscio, professor of design, and Dolores Mauro, professor of "Alta Moda sartoriale" technique, to create the outfits for the five female voices. "The project "Notte della Taranta" after a necessary dialogue with the female artists, intends to express through an accurate analysis of material research those aesthetic values of craftsmanship and design in full respect of the body to give the final product without mortifying the wearability and gesture in the context of the chosen spaces, that new value of uniqueness.I am fully convinced that Fashion is social and cultural commitment, an inseparable combination for me. The Academy I founded in 1984 is a "strategic partner " of the philosophy degree course, has a pact of collaboration with the Polobibliomuseale Museo Castromediano Lecce , in partnership with the Niksic Museum and in residence with the project "All the colors of Montenegro," explains the costume designer.

On the Melpignano stage come the Futuro Remoto creations that bewitched Ferzan Opzetek. Even Madame who will be the presenter of the event together with Gino Castaldo who we will see on Rai 1 on September 1, when La Notte della Taranta will be televised, will wear the jewelry made by Gianni De Benedittis. The creations that the designer thought up for the singers of the 25th edition of La Notte della Taranta to be held in Melpignano, Saturday, August 27, 2022, are all silver and gold pieces, designed in 3D and handmade using the technique of microcasting and pressing form, with experimental interventions of ethical silver and gold, respecting the principle of sustainability. "The jewelry I have chosen for the Notte della Taranta," De Benedittis explains, "is inspired by myth, which has always accompanied music in all its expressions: not only as tale and legend, but also as invention, construction and journey of renewed knowledge, for the recovery of those distant roots that make the heart beat. Ancient leaf motifs, in the embossed decorations of the tall rigid bracelets, return on the small modules of the imposing breastplates; just as inveterate symbols of shells and crowns mark the style of earrings and rings." A blatant reference to the classical are the micro-sculptures of the pendants, depicting the myths that have always made us dream, such as the winged horse of Pegasus that, leapt out of the neck of the gòrgon Medusa, by the irony of Gianni De Benedittis' creative fate, returns to the necks of the most vain women; or the god Hermes, messenger of the gods who, with his wings at his feet, will hopefully return to bring us the most eagerly awaited news quickly, and perhaps turn everything he touches into gold.

Complementing the image and look of the artists are the hairstyles and make-up by Officina Paar, which for the third year in a row is an official partner for La Notte della Taranta.

8 Hair stylists and 4 Makeup-Artists , coming from all over Puglia, will work together with directors and the choreographer to represent at their best also the paintings and choreographies signed by Irma Di Paola. For the Corps de Ballet, they opted for a contamination of styles, from the nude look to the classic Make-up glow, highlighting the mouth with a dark red lipstick.

The hairlook, on the other hand, will have a very natural effect, with a double texture, wet effect on the top and maximum freedom of movement and expression on the lengths.

For the voices of the Popular Orchestra La Notte della Taranta on the other hand, the style will definitely be clean and essential with details that will characterize and personalize everything and some " surprise" effects. Here is the busy staff for the long Notte della Taranta. Make-up Artis: Valentina Pagano, Chiara Longo, Deborah Andreatta, Noemi Vetrugno. Hair stylists: Roberta Apos, Carla Marti, Nico Anglani, Angela Loparco, Elisa Santoro, Renato Diella, Sabrina Giussani, Stefano Spinetta.

The choice of costumes for the Corps de Ballet is by choreographer Irma di Paola and coordination by Vinicio Attanasi, who also made the original hats that are the protagonists of the choreographic picture on the theme of Fuecu, the powerful pizzica written by Daniele Durante to celebrate the Focàra of Novoli.



The Unione dei Comuni della Grecìa Salentina confers for the first time to the maestro concertatore of the 2022 edition the title of Màstora master of the arts in griko


To Dardust maestro concertatore of the twenty-fifth edition of the Notte della Taranta, which will take place on August 27 in Melpignano, the Union of Municipalities of the Grecìa Salentina confers the title of "Màstora," a term that in Griko means "master" (of arts and knowledge).

Grecìa Salentina has been characterized in recent decades for focusing on culture, history, traditions, roots and griko identity as a driver of growth for the territory.
Among the many cultural initiatives that are organized in the Grecía Salentina, Notte della Taranta is certainly the cultural project that has been able to give wide resonance and visibility to the municipalities of the Hellenic Salentine area, succeeding in spreading and popularizing grika culture in Italy and abroad.

With this in mind, the maestro concertatore of each edition of the Notte della Taranta, together with the musicians he coordinates and directs, effectively assumes the important role of ambassador of the grika culture of the Grecìa Salentina in Italy and around the world.

"For this reason," declares Roberto Casaluci Mayor of Castrignano dei Greci and President of the Union of Municipalities of the Grecìa Salentina, "with the Mayors of the Union we thought of bestowing on the master concertmaster Dardust the symbolic recognition of the title of "Màstora," which is a Griko term used to indicate the important function performed by a 'master' in the arts or knowledge. With this gesture we want to highlight, once again, how knowledge, root culture and
above all, contamination with other experiences, must be the pillars on which to rest the social and economic regeneration of our small villages."
On Wednesday, August 24, 2022 in Melpignano, the headquarters of the Notte della Taranta Foundation, the maestro concertmaster Dardust, as a symbol of the title of "Màstora," received a typical ceramic plate made and donated especially for the occasion by the company "Nuova Colì" of Cutrofiano (Le).

Press info Anna Manuela Vincenti - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Closing Festival:

Meeting with Festival artistic director Luigi Chiriatti and Martano Mayor Fabio Tarantino




To follow.






On August 25, the traveling festival "La Notte della Taranta" arrives in Martano for its final stage. Now in its 25th edition dedicated to the theme "The Tradition of the New," Italy's largest traveling festival has crossed as many as 21 towns in Salento since Aug. 4, waiting for the long night of the Concertone on Aug. 27 in Melpignano (Le), with the maestro concertmaster DARDUST, in the midst of rehearsal activity these days at the Cinema of Calimera together with the Orchestra della Notte della Taranta.

Before the start of the last concerts of the final stage of the traveling festival, at 8:30 p.m. at Largo Primo Maggio, a meeting will be held with Festival artistic director Luigi Chiriatti and Martano Mayor Fabio Tarantino to take stock of the 21 stages of the festival, which involved 400 artists with 43 pizzica concerts attracting thousands of people, including tourists and Salento residents, to the towns. Immediately afterwards, again on the stage set up in Largo Primo Maggio, as part of the MATRIA project carried out by the Apulia Region, the La Notte della Taranta Foundation oversaw the realization of initiatives aimed at the minorities of Salento's Grecìa region and in collaboration with the Popular Orchestra and the Taranta Dance Corps, produced the show TARANTERS, staged at 9 p.m., with the Salvatore Trinchese High Secondary Education Institute of Martano and with the support of the 12 municipalities of the Union of Salento's Grecìa: Calimera, Carpignano salentino, Castrignano de Greci, Corigliano d'Otranto, Cutrofiano, Martano, Martignano, Melpignano, Sogliano Cavour, Soleto, Sternatia, Zollino. Taranters are student ambassadors of the "language of the affections," the language of their local area, who, thanks to MATRIA, have developed knowledge and awareness of the value of GRICO, managing to transfer the beauty of their cultural heritage to a wider audience. The classes involved initiated a research phase on anonymous or authored lyrics of folk songs in Grico and pizzica dance. The study focused not only on the lyrics of the songs in grico but on their dissemination through modern interpretations. The students' choice fell on: Aremu, Calinitta, Òriamu Pisulina.

The traditional texts will be re-proposed in the original student-written version with the coordination of Professor Mauro Palumbo and in collaboration with Popular Orchestra members Gianluca Longo (mandola), Roberto Chiga (tambourine), Stefania Morciano (singing), with the extraordinary participation of rapper Marmo, pseudonym of Stefano Galiotta, a former student of the Trinchese Institute. The dance section, coordinated by choreographer Mattia Politi and dancer Mihaela Coluccia, will offer three different pictures inspired by the theme of the chosen songs that starting from the traditional pizzica range in modern style.

The TARANTERS are: Davide Terracciano, Emanuele Castrignanò, Luca Sergio on tambourines; Daniele Palumbo on percussion; Luca Aprile, Francesco Lefonso, Gaetano Rescio, acoustic guitars; Gianluigi Marcianò, electric guitar; Alessandro Sergio, clarinet and sax; Domenico Pellegrino, electronic keyboard; Francesca Cezza, Matilde Allegretti, Antonio Cannazza, solo voices; Giacinta Calò, Letizia Calò, Francesca Arcuti, Gilda Vacca, Valentina De Campi, voices; Aurora Curlante, Francesca Pasca, Helena Corlianò, Laura Castrignanò, Paolo Miceli, dancer.


Next up is Nui... Nisciunu, a group of pizzica and Salento folk songs founded in Aradeo in 1999 and since then has been working hard with care, research and passion to carry on the tradition of Salento music. Composing the group are: Giuliano Conte, voice and tambourine; Leandro Guido, voice and guitar; Eleonora De Benedetto, voice; Alessia Liaci, voice; Nico Imboldi, accordion; Mirko Matteo, tambourine; Sarah Monteduro, violin.

The music continues with the musical group Armonia Greca (Ελληνική Αρμονία), is a musical group of the Italo-Hellenic Cultural Center of the Sacred City of Messolonghi, "Nea Koinè." Founded in 2015, it consists of 10 professionals (musicians and singers) and 10 dancers and is directed by the Artistic Director of the "Nea Koinè" Cultural Center, Mo Christos Vlachoyiannis. The repertoire of Greek Harmony, in addition to songs in Greek and in the Salento dialect, consists of music, songs and dances by internationally renowned Greek authors (Theodoràkis, Xarhàkos, Hatzidàkis, Markopoulos), as well as religious songs of the Greek Orthodox Church and songs of the "rembètiko" (Asia Minor) musical style. The elements of the group participating in the Festival are: Chrìstos Vlachogiannis, maestro; Dimitrios Foliàs, bass and guitar; Ioannis Bellos, bouzouki; Evangelos Rodìtis, percussion; Konstantinos Patsialos, pianola; Andreas Chasiòtis, trumpet; Alessandra Chasiòti, clarinet; Lef Dakalakis, pianola and voice; Dimitrios Karavasìlis, dancer; Panagiota Kaponi, dancer; Georgio Skouras, dancer; Nìki Karanìka, dancer; Eugenia Grèntzelou, Katerini Kostì, Ermina Taratsà, Eleni Pismopoulou - voices.


Closing the evening was the long-awaited performance by Stella Grande is a well-established artistic and musical reality, she has won a big bet, masterfully combining a folk tradition with current and passionate poetry. The tools used by the singer, are a great rhythmic and emotional involvement, a marked theatricality, an intense interpretation. Music of tradition but not only, lyrics of tradition but not only. Stella Grande is an artist who looks around, who knows the past, the importance of individual and collective memory and knows that it must be preserved, remembered, but in the present, in everyday reality, and not as a nostalgic memory. With Stella Grande, on stage: Elio Coriano, voice; Ylenia Giaffreda, voice, violin; Marco Giaffreda, voice, bass; Walter Fracella, voice, keyboard; Edoardo Baglivo, voice guitar; Zaira Giangreco, tambourine; Silvia Calò, tambourine; Maria Lucia Chirivì, dance.





Next stop:


Concertone: Aug. 27 in Melpignano - FREE ADMISSION


The Itinerant Festival is a project of the Fondazione Notte della Taranta supported by Regione Puglia, Pugliapromozione, Grecìa salentina, Istituto Diego Carpitella. here you will find more photos from previous Itinerant Festivals

Main Sponsor: DMJ Mercedes di Maurizio De Mariani




Official Concert Carrier: SOUTH EAST RAILWAYS

Technical partners: BUSFORFUN, CARRA, FASSI.



Festival Notte della Taranta.

#taranta25 #WeAreinPuglia

Facebook La Notte della Taranta

Instagram @LaNottedellaTaranta_official

Twitter @LaNottedellaTaranta

YouTube La Notte della Taranta




Press Office.

Cecilia Leo - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Paola Trotta - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





Pizzica Workshop




To follow



The travelling festival 'La Notte della Taranta' reaches its penultimate stop on 24 August in Sternatia. Now in its 25th edition dedicated to the theme "The tradition of the new", Italy's biggest touring festival will cross 21 towns in the Salento from 4 to 25 August, with 43 pizzica concerts and over 400 performers, leading up to the long night of the Concertone on 27 August in Melpignano (Le), with the concertmaster DARDUST, in full rehearsal activity these days at the Cinema in Calimera together with the Orchestra della Notte della Taranta.


Curated by the Corps de Ballet of the Notte della Taranta, the pizzica workshop returns at 7 p.m., an unmissable appointment for fans of the Salento dance, who gather in the squares of the towns hosting the Festival to take part in the great dancing round. Large inclusive and open circles are formed led by the Taranta dancers who accompany the public to discover the rhythm of the tambourine and the different expressions of the pizzica: courtship pizzica, pizzica tarantata and pizzica fencing.


The Unzapzap Bif Band opens the evening at 9 pm, conducted by maestro Luigi Morleo. It is a project based on an idea by Angelo Pellegrino for the Borgo in festa 2016 edition in Borgagne (Le). The performance is centred on the enhancement of traditional Salento songs, arranged by Luigi Morleo, with a totally unique and certainly unusual accompaniment using tools of work and everyday life, especially from the peasant area: hoes, rakes, pots, vats, etc. Each member sings and accompanies the band with a tool. There are two musical instruments on stage, Francesco Palazzo's accordion and Giuseppe Scarati's tuba bass, while Stefania Morciano and Ninfa Giannuzzi enrich with songs from the Salento tradition and areas of central and southern Italy. The evening's guest will be the young trumpeter Gabriele Blandini, who will embellish the show with his voluptuous improvisations respecting the most accurate traditional melodies.


Afterwards, the music continues with the Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino. Founded in 1975 by writer Rina Durante, (CGS) is a popular music group from Salento. The fascinating dichotomy between tradition and modernity characterises the music of the CGS: the group is composed of musicians who reinterpret in a modern key the traditions revolving around the famous ritual pizzica tarantata, which had the power to cure the bite of the legendary Taranta through music, trance and dance. Led by tambourine player and violinist Mauro Durante, who inherited the leadership from his famous and late father Daniele in 2007, the CGS is composed of: Alessia Tondo, vocals, percussion; Silvia Perrone, dance; Giulio Bianco, bagpipes, harmonica, flutes and folk winds, bass; Massimiliano Morabito, accordion; Emanuele Licci, vocals, guitar, bouzouki; Giancarlo Paglialunga, vocals, tamburieddhu, percussion; Francesco Aiello, sound engineer.




Next stops:



21:00 Taranters

To follow Nui...Nisciunu

Greek Harmony

Big Star

Big Concert: 27 August in Melpignano - FREE ADMISSION

The Itinerant Festival is a project of the Fondazione Notte della Taranta supported by Regione Puglia, Pugliapromozione, Grecìa salentina, Istituto Diego Carpitella. here you can find more photos of previous Itinerant Festivals
Main Sponsor: DMJ Mercedes di Maurizio De Mariani

Official Concert Carrier: FERROVIE SUD EST
Technical partners: BUSFORFUN, CARRA, FASSI.

Festival Notte della Taranta
#taranta25 #WeAreinPuglia
Facebook La Notte della Taranta
Instagram @LaNottedellaTaranta_official
Twitter @LaNottedellaTaranta
YouTube La Notte della Taranta

Press Office
Cecilia Leo - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.
Paola Trotta - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

La Notte della Taranta lands on Tik Tok

 The Foundation has decided to focus on a new social to tell all the activities of the Festival and the Concertone, after already having Facebook, Twitter, YouTube, and Instagram channels under its belt.  An important social presence that highlights how La Notte della Taranta has long set up a web presence strategy to exploit all the features of the web in narrating the rich musical and choreographic heritage of the pizzica. In just a few hours, the video made with Orchestra tambourine player Roberto Chiga on the sonic use of "tablets" reached 20K views.


The rehearsals of the Popular Orchestra La Notte della Taranta conducted by concertmaster Dardust continue at Cinema Elio in Calimera in anticipation of the final Concertone in Melpignano on August 27, now in its 25th edition, which returns to embrace the audience.  The maestro concertmaster Dardust already since January together with the Resident Orchestra has started the work of research and reinterpretation of the songs of the Salento folk tradition.  "It will be a Taranta as fluid as the contemporaneity we live. I believe that we are in an age whose concept of integration is also fundamental on a cultural level, a multiculturalism of which Stromae has made the basic concept, which is why the choice of the international artist was not accidental, but thoughtful and strongly desired. Stromae on the Concertone stage, Dardust reveals, will propose one of his most famous and well-known pieces, Alor on Danse with forays into Salento folk music. A reinterpretation of the famous song that meets tradition and will be able to surprise and excite the audience.

A fluid, multi-colored and "spatial" Taranta. A spaceship that starts from the past with the decisive and ancestral sound of the tambourine, takes a tour around the world of electronics and projects itself into the future of the pizzica, so that of the maestro concertatore Dardust, who this morning during the rehearsal open to the press presented two songs from the concertone performed by the Orchestra Popolare La Notte della Taranta: pizzica di Aradeo and pizzica di Ostuni.

Also enriching the cast of the August 27 Concertone will be Samuele Bersani, Massimo Pericolo, Studio Murena and Kety Fusco. Super guests Marco Mengoni and Elodie. Together with the Popular Orchestra La Notte della Taranta, the great protagonist of the Concertone, there will be special moments, additional colors, Dardust points out: "a wind section and a string section that will take us to the Balkan world and beyond. A long journey into contamination in the sign of meeting and sharing." A balance between tradition and contemporaneity on which the master concertmaster has been working for some time: "tradition to stay alive needs to be contaminated without betraying tradition." Finally, Dardust did not hide how much the bond with Salento has strengthened in recent months. And after an emotional year of work he concludes, "it will be difficult, returning to Milan after this very strong experience."









con Antonio Castrignanò, Giorgio Distante, Redi Hasa, Egidio Marullo, Fabrizio Saccomanno, Giuseppe Spedicato


to follow



con Antongiulio Galeandro, Dario Muci, Gianluca Longo, Claudia De Ventura, Sofia Giordani Pagliara, Viola Centi


The traveling festival "La Notte della Taranta" makes a stop in Soleto on Aug. 23. Now in its 25th edition dedicated to the theme "The tradition of the new," Italy's largest traveling festival crosses 21 towns in Salento from Aug. 4 to 25, with 43 pizzica concerts, more than 400 artists and will lead to the long night of the Concertone on Aug. 27 in Melpignano (Le), with the maestro concertmaster DARDUST, in the midst of rehearsal activity these days at the Cinema of Calimera together with the Orchestra of the Notte della Taranta.


After the extraordinary success recorded at the International Folk Dance Festival and at the Mediterranean Games in Algeria, Pizzica in Scena, the show of the Taranta Dance Corps with choreography by Mattia Politi, is also back: appointment at 9 p.m. in Piazza Osanna in Soleto. The engaging and explosive choreographies are mounted on songs from the record produced by the Notte della Taranta Foundation in 2018. On stage: Serena Pellegrino, Michaela Coluccia, Lucia Scarabino, Veronica Mele, Cristina Frassanito, Stefano Campagna, Fabrizio Nigro, Andrea Caracuta and Marco Martano.

At 9:30 p.m. the music continues with Rocco Nigro with "Come fece come non fece" Favole salentine, a concert performance that stages through voices, music and live painting a collection of folk tales, recorded and transcribed by Luigi Chiriatti in the book of the same name published by Kurumuny edizioni. The voices of Fabrizio Saccomanno and Antonio Castrignanò, accompanied by the music curated by Rocco Nigro and played together with Redi Hasa on cello, Giorgio Distante on trumpet and Giuseppe Spedicato on bass, tell and sing the atmospheres of villages, smells ancient humble houses or exotic scents of sumptuous castles. Egidio Marullo's brushes evoke distant images, in time and space, of princes and princesses living and reliving among twisted olive trees and thorny prickly pears. Behind each fairy tale is the wrinkled face of an old man who was a child, his breathy voice and the gestures of his gnarled hands telling true stories disguised as fairy tales. The fables were recorded directly from the living voice of the storytellers in Salento dialect and were transcribed into Italian.


Next, the show continues with Enza Pagliara in Fasinfasò. A return to living music, to the pulse that becomes rhythm, to the body that becomes dance. From pizzica to serenades, from stornelli to stisa songs, Fasinfasò, is a concert performance, in which Enza interprets the classics of Salento folk songs, accompanied by musicians who have always been with her and who have arranged and written songs with her. Enza Pagliara will perform with Gianluca Longo, Antongiulio Galeandro, Dario Muci, Claudia De Ventura, Emanuele Coluccia, and Sofia Giordani Pagliara.



Next stops:


21:00 Briganti Di Terra d'Otranto

To follow Popular Orchestra La Notte Della Taranta.



21:00 Corpo Di Ballo La Notte Della Taranta - Pizzica In Scena

21:30 Rocco Nigro "Come fece come non fece" with Antonio Castrignanò, Giorgio Distante, Redi Hasa, Egidio Marullo, Fabrizio Saccomanno, Giuseppe Spedicato

To follow Enza Pagliara - Fasinfasò with Antongiulio Galeandro, Dario Muci, Gianluca Longo, Claudia De Ventura, Sofia Giordani Pagliara, Viola Centi.



19:00 Laboratorio Di Pizzica

21:00 Unzapzap Bif Band

To follow Cgs - Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino.



21:00 Taranters

To follow Nui...Nisciunu

Greek Harmony

Stella Grande


Concertone: Aug. 27 in Melpignano - FREE ENTRANCE


The Itinerant Festival is a project of Fondazione Notte della Taranta supported by Regione Puglia, Pugliapromozione, Grecìa salentina, Istituto Diego Carpitella. here you will find more photos from previous Itinerant Festivals

Main Sponsor: DMJ Mercedes di Maurizio De Mariani




Official Concert Carrier: SOUTH EAST RAILWAYS

Technical partners: BUSFORFUN, CARRA, FASSI.



Festival Notte della Taranta

#taranta25 #WeAreinPuglia

Facebook La Notte della Taranta

Instagram @LaNottedellaTaranta_official

Twitter @LaNottedellaTaranta

YouTube La Notte della Taranta




Press Office.

Cecilia Leo - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Paola Trotta - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.





To follow



The traveling festival "La Notte della Taranta" on August 21 stops in Calimera in the market area. Now in its 25th edition dedicated to the theme "The tradition of the new," Italy's largest traveling festival crosses 21 towns in Salento from Aug. 4 to 25, with 43 pizzica concerts, more than 400 artists and will lead up to the long night of the Concertone on Aug. 27 in Melpignano (Le), with the maestro concertmaster DARDUST, in full rehearsal activity these days at the Cinema of Calimera together with the Orchestra della Notte della Taranta for the unmissable appointment with the Concertone on Aug. 27, which returns to embrace the public.

At 9 p.m. it starts with the music of I Trillanti. They were born in 2013 to sing loudly in the squares, in the streets, the stornelli and songs of Ciociaria, an area from which the group comes. The group defines itself as a project that travels on two parallel tracks, both anchored to the roots of the native territory, but with peculiarities that at the same time differentiate them. On the one hand, the road of research and recovery of sources to guard, preserve and bring to light - through innovative arrangements wrapped in a cloak of boldness - traditional songs known in the past only to a few. On the other, novelty and creation: singing the contemporary world through original pieces and by means of instruments, sounds, and dances of the past cohesive with those of the present. It speaks of a work of primarily cultural importance, thus of the people, giving and receiving in return the dignity of the intangible choreographic and musical beauties of Lazio and central and southern Italy. Composing the group are Mattia Dell'Uomo, drums, percussion and vocals; Simone Frezza, accordion, accordion and vocals; Elisabetta Rossi, vocals; Valerio Frezza, classical and battente guitars, bouzouki and mandolin; Pierpaolo Rossi, viola and violin; and Alessandro Magnante, bass and transverse flute.

Next on the festival stage comes the music of Kalàscima. A group of musicians who grew up together playing and singing the hypnotic melodies and rhythms of the magical ritual linked to tarantismo, they reinvent the tradition with a mix achieved by mixing massive doses of electronics and lysergic beats with original melodies and the folk atmospheres of their origins. Salento dialect, Grico and English language create an imaginary bridge between Apulian music and the international scene. Kalàscima's live set is energetic and powerful and embraces typically traditional and rare instruments (bagpipes, ciaramella, launeddas, tambourine, accordion, irish bouzouki) and modern instruments (laptops, loop machines and synthesizers) for a completely original sound that, while remaining tied to tradition, opens up with an international, contemporary and urban breath. The group is composed of Federico Laganà, frame drums, percussion and vocals; Massimiliano de Marco, guitar, bouzouki and vocals; Luca Buccarella, accordion and vocals; Aldo Lezza, bagpipes, electroneddas and flutes; Michele D'Elia, drums and live electronics; and Giovanni Chirico, baritone sax.


Next stops:


21:00 Briganti Di Terra d'Otranto

To follow Popular Orchestra La Notte Della Taranta.



21:00 Corpo Di Ballo La Notte Della Taranta - Pizzica In Scena

21:30 Rocco Nigro "Come fece come non fece" with Antonio Castrignanò, Giorgio Distante, Redi Hasa, Egidio Marullo, Fabrizio Saccomanno, Giuseppe Spedicato

To follow Enza Pagliara - Fasinfasò with Antongiulio Galeandro, Dario Muci, Gianluca Longo, Claudia De Ventura, Sofia Giordani Pagliara, Viola Centi.



19:00 Laboratorio Di Pizzica

21:00 Unzapzap Bif Band

To follow Cgs - Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino.



21:00 Taranters

To follow Nui...Nisciunu

Greek Harmony

Stella Grande


Concertone: Aug. 27 in Melpignano - FREE ENTRANCE


The Itinerant Festival is a project of Fondazione Notte della Taranta supported by Regione Puglia, Pugliapromozione, Grecìa salentina, Istituto Diego Carpitella. here you will find more photos from previous Itinerant Festivals

Main Sponsor: DMJ Mercedes di Maurizio De Mariani




Official Concert Carrier: SOUTH EAST RAILWAYS

Technical partners: BUSFORFUN, CARRA, FASSI.



Festival Notte della Taranta.

#taranta25 #WeAreinPuglia

Facebook La Notte della Taranta

Instagram @LaNottedellaTaranta_official

Twitter @LaNottedellaTaranta

YouTube La Notte della Taranta




Press Office.

Cecilia Leo - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Paola Trotta - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.




On stage with international super guest STROMAE

singer-songwriter SAMUELE BERSANI and rapper MASSIMO PERICOLO


MARCO MENGONI and ELODIE super guests at the Notte della Taranta scheduled for Aug. 27 in Melpignano, Salento.

63 platinum records him, seventh consecutive #1 single on radio she, the Italian artists complete the super cast of the Concertone now in its 25th edition and directed by maestro Dardust.

Marco Mengoni, who performed this summer in the states at the San Siro and the Olimpico and will start touring again in the arenas from October 3, will perform one of the most beloved songs in Greek entitled "Klama" written by Franco Corlianò and dedicated to the theme of emigration, the feeling of those who see friends and family leaving for a distant land. Mengoni will sing in the minority language of Grecìa Salentina to highlight the beauty of the verses well known on the other Greek shore of the Mediterranean Sea.

Instead, it will be the "Pizzica di San Vito" that will give the audience of two hundred thousand the explosive performance of Elodie in the guise not only of singer but also of dancer together with the Corpo di Ballo della Taranta directed by Irma di Paola. The pop star, beloved for her versatility, who will land at the Venice "Film Festival" starring in Apulian director Pippo Mezzapesa's gangster movie "Ti Mangio il cuore," returns to Salento, a land to which she is very attached, to win over the Taranta audience.

Mengoni and Elodie will be on stage in Melpignano with international guest Stromae, Italian singer-songwriter Samuele Bersani and rapper Massimo Pericolo.

Concertone 2022 will take a journey through the best-loved hits of the two hundred thousand pizzicati expected in the square: 30 songs from the Salento folk tradition arranged in a contemporary key by master concertmaster Dardust including L'acqua de la funtana, Aria Caddhipulina, Damme nu ricciu, the powerful pizziches of San Vito, Aradeo, Ostuni, Tochiarolo, Cordella, the songs in Grico Klama, Aremu, Calinitta and in arbëreshë Ec.

Also Taranta di Lizzano, Rirollalla, Fuecu and a tribute to Pier Paolo Pasolini with the text from the Italian intellectual's research "Canzoniere Italiano."

In the year of the 'triplete' between the gold disc obtained for the single 'No stress' and two more platinum discs for the album 'Marco Mengoni Live' and the single 'Mi fiderò,' the unmistakable voice of Marco Mengoni will therefore be another great protagonist of the 25th edition of La Notte della Taranta. The long night in Melpignano dedicated to the music of tradition will be enhanced by the presence of the artist who often, in his interviews, recalls the attachment, the bond with his roots, with his grandfather Sestilio: an ancient man, without knots. Staggering numbers for Mengoni, one of the most beloved and well-known artists even abroad: over 1.6 billion audio video streams, each of his songs is bound to become a hit. And it is not surprising that Dardust entrusted the singer-songwriter, the green soul of music, with a song in Grico.

It was also a golden year for Elodie, who reached a new record: the song "Tribale," certified Disco d'Oro and a super hit of this hot summer, is the Roman singer's seventh consecutive single to reach the top of the EarOne chart. The artist who has racked up a string of hits, including Bagno a mezzanotte, (double platinum) which topped the radio airplay chart for four weeks, in 2021 was the co-host of the second night of the 71st edition of the Sanremo Festival during which she won everyone over and consolidated her figure as a complete artist, capable of making entertainment not only through music. Godmother of Roma Pride 2022, a pop star in the firmament of Italian music, Elodie accepted the invitation of the maestro concertmaster and the new challenge of singing in Salento dialect.

The lyrics chosen by Dardust will also be a dancing journey entrusted to choreographer Irma Di Paola and 16 dancers. The set design, signed by Massimo Calzavara, encapsulates the message of the 2022 edition: tradition embraces contemporary language by introducing futurist visions thanks to the collaboration with Filippo Rossi professional show designer and Mauro Bubbico the anthropologist of Italian design.

Concertone La Notte della Taranta is a cultural project of musical and choreographic research produced by Fondazione La Notte della Taranta with the support of Regione Puglia, Puglia Promozione, Unione dei Comuni della Grecìa salentina, and Istituto Diego Carpitella.

Thanks to a collaboration with Acquedotto Pugliese, the Concertone area will be served by public water distribution. The Festival's mobility is zero-emission thanks to the technical support of DMJ Gruppo De Mariani, which provided the electric cars.

Taranta Solidale project continues, which in 2015 together with Granarolo distributed basic necessities for migrants hosted by Caritas of Otranto, in 2016 allowed the reconstruction of the Music School in Amatrice destroyed by the earthquake, in 2017 helped Unicef, in 2018 with Intesa Sanpaolo it purchased a platform needed by the Pediatric Oncohematology Department of the Vito Fazzi Hospital in Lecce, in 2019 again with Intesa Sanpaolo and Legambiente it allocated with RigeniAmo la Natura funds for the enhancement of 4 natural oases in southern Italy: Baia di Torre Squillace in Puglia, Dune di Sovereto in Isola Capo Rizzuto, the Oasi dei Variconi in Castelvolturno, and Costa Ionica Foce Cavone in Pisticci. In 2022 Taranta Solidale in collaboration with the Olivami Association will create the Parco della Taranta: 1,500 new olive trees in the countryside of Carpignano Salentino to help rebuild the Salento landscape. In the Taranta Garden, which can be visited, all the trees will have the names of the Festival and Concertone guest artists.



How to get to the Concertone:

By train: Ferrovie Sud Est has activated a special train service to reach Melpignano and comfortably find return trips until dawn: Notte della Taranta 2022 (


By bus: BusFor Fun from major Italian cities


With your own vehicle you will be able to reserve parking in Melpignano



#taranta25 #WeAreinPuglia



Main Sponsor: DMJ Gruppo De Mariani

Sponsor: Acqua Orsini

Official Carrier: Ferrovie Sud Est

Travel Partners: BusForFun and ParkForFun

Taranta solidarity: Parco degli Ulivi della Taranta in collaboration with Ass. Olivami





To follow



The traveling festival "La Notte della Taranta" makes a stop in Cutrofiano on August 20 in Piazza Municipio. Now in its 25th edition dedicated to the theme "The tradition of the new," Italy's largest traveling festival crosses 21 towns in Salento from Aug. 4 to 25, with 43 pizzica concerts, more than 400 artists and will lead up to the long night of the Concertone on Aug. 27 in Melpignano (Le), with the maestro concertmaster DARDUST, in the midst of rehearsal activity these days at the Cinema di Calimera together with the Orchestra della Notte della Taranta. The sound journey between memory and vision of Concertone 2022 will be broadcast on RAI 1, Thursday, Sept. 1 at 11:15 p.m.

The evening starts at 9 p.m. with the musical collective Parafoné. In activity for 15 years, it represents one of the most active and innovative bands in southern Italy that is entering the panorama of new Italian world music. The recovery and re-proposal of traditional Calabrian music project the group to the rediscovery of "sound brotherhoods" beyond territorial borders, going back to the ties with the history of a region as full of contaminations as Calabria. The continuous search for sounds and forms and the experimentation between past and future, gives birth to a "proper" expressive language, involving both new generations and old players and singers, who recognize a common matrix between tradition and innovation. A sound, that of Parafoné, which projects a rich sonic treasure of the past to the ever pressing musical future. The group consists of: Angelo Pisani, ethnic woodwinds; Bruno Tassone vocals and beats; Domenico Tino, strings and bouzouki; Totò Codispoti, frame drums and organ; Omar Remi, bass; Antonio La Rosa, percussion; and Sergio Schiavone, strings.

This will be followed by the music of Li Strittuli - Compagnia di Musica Popolare Salentina. "Li Strittuli," were born in the summer of 1996, using typical instruments such as the violin, accordion, accordion, guitar and the Salentine frame drum to then carry out a search for songs from the Brindisi area, in their hometown of San Pancrazio Salentino where they become intimate with the local elders who make their entire musical repertoire available. From this long search, some of the most beautiful songs are extrapolated, which are still part of the proposal of "Li Strittuli," a repertoire of the Salento tradition, free of contamination. The group's main objective is to re-propose a journey through Salento folk music, made up of pizzica pizzica, pizzica tarantata, love stornelli, work and protest songs. The members of the group are: Giorgio D'Aria, tambourine and voice; Vincenzo Mancini, mandolin and voice; Giovanni Palma, voice and guitar; Antonio Melegari voice and accordion; Giulia Piccinni, voice and violin.


Next stops:


21:00 I Trillanti

To follow Kalascima



21:00 Briganti Di Terra D'otranto

To follow Popular Orchestra La Notte Della Taranta



21:00 Corpo Di Ballo La Notte Della Taranta - Pizzica In Scena

21:30 Rocco Nigro "Come fece come non fece" with Antonio Castrignanò, Giorgio Distante, Redi Hasa, Egidio Marullo, Fabrizio Saccomanno, Giuseppe Spedicato

To follow Enza Pagliara - Fasinfasò with Antongiulio Galeandro, Dario Muci, Gianluca Longo, Claudia De Ventura, Sofia Giordani Pagliara, Viola Centi.



19:00 Laboratorio Di Pizzica

21:00 Unzapzap Bif Band

To follow Cgs - Canzoniere Grecanico Salentino.



21:00 Taranters

To follow Nui...Nisciunu

Greek Harmony

Stella Grande


Concertone: Aug. 27 in Melpignano - FREE ENTRANCE


The Itinerant Festival is a project of Fondazione Notte della Taranta supported by Regione Puglia, Pugliapromozione, Grecìa salentina, Istituto Diego Carpitella. here you will find more photos from previous Itinerant Festivals

Main Sponsor: DMJ Mercedes of Maurizio De Mariani




Official Concert Carrier: SOUTH EAST RAILWAYS

Technical partners: BUSFORFUN, CARRA, FASSI.



Festival Notte della Taranta.

#taranta25 #WeAreinPuglia

Facebook La Notte della Taranta

Instagram @LaNottedellaTaranta_official

Twitter @LaNottedellaTaranta

YouTube La Notte della Taranta




Press Office.

Cecilia Leo - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Paola Trotta - This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



Fondazione la Notte della Taranta

Legal head office: Piazza A. Avantaggiato, 2 (Municipio)
Headquarters: Via della Libertà, 66 (Ex Convento dei Padri Agostiniani)
73020 Melpignano (LE)
Tel: 0836439008